Jumat, 31 Desember 2010


I'm like a Sunday morning, you're like Friday night
And when we kiss it's the perfect weekend, no rain in sight
And when I'm feelin' incomplete, you're my missing piece
And when you need your breath taken away I'll be your thief

From the start to the end we don't need to pretend
That we're perfect all the time
'Cause we know what we have through the good and the bad
It's the strength that you can't deny

I don't need to find a million reasons why
This is us, this is us and this is how we love
Some ways we're different but together we're so right
This is us, this is us and this is how we love, oh yeah

And even if we fall apart we'll never feel alone
Just like the moon starts risin' our hearts bring us home
We can always find each other like the northern star
Doesn't matter where we are our love can't go that far

From the start to the end we don't need to pretend
That we're perfect all the time
'Cause we know what we have, through the good and the bad
It's the strength that you can't deny

I don't need to find a million reasons why
This is us, this is us and this is how we love
Some ways we're different but together we're so right
This is us, this is us and that's the way we love

We don't always see eye to eye
You might see a million colors, I just see it black and white
Ain't no way we could get much higher
'Cause when we touch it feels like fire
We both know how good this feels

Yes, we do baby because
This is you, this is me, this is us

I don't need to find a million reasons why
This is us, this is us and this is how we love
Some ways we're different but together we're so right
This is us, this is us and this is how we love

Baby this is how we love
This is how we love, yeah
This is how we love, yeah
This is how we love, yeah

#2010memories with him

1. Pernyataan dan penembakan
Malem taun baru 2010 ga aku rayain bareng-bareng orang-orang spesial. Cuma diem, ndekem di kamar, nangis *ya, aku nangis, tapi aku ga tau apa yg aku tangisin* malem itu semuanya terasa nyesekin. Habis itu aku ketiduran. Jam 1an bangun lagi gara-gara HP geter. Pas diliat, udah ada banyak missed call sama sms. Dari dia, edho. Aku bangun gara-gara ada telpon dari dia dan langsung aku angkat begitu bangun. Dia nembak aku

2. Aku membuat dia harus menunggu selama 3 bulan
Aku ga bilang "iya" atau "ga". Aku bilang, "kalo kamu mau, tunggu aku". Karena aku udah bikin perjanjian sama diriku sendiri, kalo aku ga mau pacaran dulu, sebelum aku selesai UN. Dan itu artinya dia harus nunggu selama 3 bulan, dari januari sampe april. Dan selama 3 bulan itu, aku sama dia HTS-an

3. I called it "effort"
Selama 3 bulan itu, aku dapet perlakuan spesial dari dia. Sms-sms tiap tengah malem, perhatian-perhatian, dia berusaha menuhin apa yg aku pingin, sooo romantic. I love his words for me. Dia bilang mau ngejagain aku, dia bakal selalu sayang aku, dan kata-kata romantis lain, yaahh, mungkin terdengar seperti gombalan, tapi aku percaya dia. Bener-bener dia usaha buat ngeyakinin aku kalo dia sayang sama aku. I love that moments. Dan sampe saat ini aku masih kengen itu semua. Masih pengen di 'kayak gitu'in sama dia. Dan entah kenapa aku kangen sikap posesifnya dia ke aku

(Soundtrack: "forever - killing me inside" dan "dari hati - club 80's")

4. Hari valentine tanpa coklat
Ga ada coklat dari aku buat dia ataupun dari dia buat aku. Ketemu pun ga. Hari valentine yg biasa. Tapi tanggal 15 nya kita berdua nonton film valentine's day. Film pertama yg kutonton cuma berdua sama dia

5. Secarik kertas
22 februari, ulang tahun dia. Aku ga punya persiapan apa-apa. Kado pun aku ga ada. Aku bingung mau ngasih apa buat dia. Tapi hari itu, aku rapat sama kak ogeb, rio, dadit, yudis, verdi di subha. Kita ngomongin rencana surprise party kecil-kecilan buat dia. Malemnya, kita semua kumpul di parkiran McD. Aku cuma bawa kotak ungu, yg isi dalemnya adalah kado buat dia. Buat nyuruh dia dateng ke McD, aku disuruh bohong. Waktu itu aku sms sama nelpon dia ga ada balesan. Mungkin dia tidur pikirku waktu itu. Tapi ternyata dia lagi les. Waktu nelpon, aku bilang, 'cepetan ke McD. Temenin aku. Aku sendirian disini'. Haha, bohonh demi dia dateng. Aku sama kak ogeb sembunyi. Kita berdua bawa roti tart kecil buat dia. Aku sama kak ogeb susah payah njagain biar lilinnya ga mati gara-gara angin. Temen-temen yg lain ngalihin perhatian dia. Terus aku dateng dari belakang. Kita nyanyi happy birthday. Aku inget mukanya waktu dia liat aku. Kaget, tapi keliatan seneng banget. Suka banget aku ngliat muka edho kayak gitu. Terus kadonya aku kasih. Dan apa isinya? Kertas. Konyol? Memang. Tapi kertas itu ga putih lagi, ada tintanya. Dan yg aku tulis adalah hal-hal yg aku pingin dari dia. Maaf waktu itu aku ga bisa ngasih apa-apa

6. Ulang tahunku
Ga ada kado buat aku dari dia. Walopun sebenernya dulu ngarep. Tapi ucapan dari dia udah cukup. Di hari itu, dia yg pertama dan ngucapin selamat ulang tahun buat aku. Berkesan banget, apa yg dia tulis di sms itu. Dia manggil aku, "monyed terbaikku"

7. Maret
Bulan dimana aku bener-bener ngerasa sayang banget sama dia, nyaman banget sama kamu. I'm falling for you on march. Kembaran gelang, apalagi setelah obrolan di jalan kecil deket gereja kotabaru, dan waktu malem, pertama kali dia ngajak aku ke rumahnya. Ngabisin malem minggu disana. Di taman rumahnya. Duduk di ayunan berdua. Kangen itu. Dan habis itu dia ngasih kotak merah. Yg isinya barang-barang dari mantan-mantannya dia ke aku. Aku ga tau artinya apa waktu itu, tapi kotak itu masih aku jaga baik-baik di rumahku

8. Rosario dan novena
Sebelum UN, dia dateng jauh-jauh ke rumahku cuma buat ngasih rosarionya dia, yg sering dipake. Katanya, "kalo UN, bawa terus rosarionya", "aku mau doa novena buat kamu". Seneng banget. Dan pernah sekali kita berdua novena bareng di teras rumahku.

9. 2 april 2010
Sehari setelah UN kelar. Aku bilang "iya". Dan hari itu, dia resmi pacarku

10. Sering pergi bareng, ngabisin waktu bareng dia. Aku selalu suka waktu kamu bilang, aku mau sama kamu terus. Dan aku selalu suka setiap ada sama dia. Ketawa bareng, kehujanan bareng, marah-marah, aku nangis di depannya, bahkan dia satu-satunya cowo yg tau jelek-jeleknya aku. Maksudnya, waktu aku belum mandi, belum sikat gigi, pokoknya jelek deh. Cuma dia satu-satunya cowo yg tau *dan maaf kalo njijiki yaa hehe*

11. Mie ayam
Pernah, waktu itu aku kepengen banget mie ayam. Dan aku cerita sama dia. Aku sama sekali belum makan hari itu. Hari itu juga, pas malem, rumahku kosong, pada komsel. Jadi aku sendirian di rumah. Dia bilang dia mau dateng. Tapi waktu itu bilangnya dadakan. Dan pas dia sampe rumah, pintu dikunci, dan bodohnya aku, aku ga ngecek kalo kuncinya dibawa semua sama ortuku. Jadi aku di rumah sendirian 'dikunciin', dan otomatis aku juga ga bisa bukain pintu buat dia. Aku nangis. Bodoh banget aku waktu itu. Dan ternyata, dia udah jauh-jauh dateng, dia juga udah beliin mie ayam buat aku. Aku tambah nangis. Akhirnya dia nggantungin tas kresek isi mie ayam itu di depan pager rumahku. Dan dia bilang "nanti kalo udah pada pulang, diambil, terus kamu makan"

12. Oh my God, aku ga tau harus cerita apalagi. Terlalu banyak kenanganku sama dia. Selama setahun penuh dia ada buat aku di tahun 2010. Aku senyum, nangis, marah, kecewa, tertawa, galau, semua karena dia. Dia berarti banget buat aku. Dan aku sayang banget sama dia. Semoga di taun 2011 dan taun-taun yg akan datang, dia tetep di sampingku, ngisi setiap hariku

Minggu, 05 Desember 2010


I remember like it was yesterday
First kiss and I knew you changed the game
You had me exactly where you wanted and I'm on it

And I ain't ever gonna let you get away
Holding hands never made me feel this way
So special, boy it's your, your smile

We so in love, la, la, la, la
Yeah, we so in love, la-la, la, la, la
And I just can't get enough of your l-l-l-love
Yeah, we so in love, love, and I want you to know

You are my baby love, my baby love
You make the sun come up, oh boy, oh boy
You're my every, everything that I could ever dream of

You are my baby love, my baby love
You make the sun come up, oh boy, oh boy
You're my every, every, every, everything

In a minute now, we're still holding it down
Butterflies every time you come around
You make me so crazy, it's crazy, oh baby

And I don't ever wanna be with no one else
You're the only one that ever made me melt
You're special, boy it's your, your style

We so in love, la, la, la, la
Yeah, we so in love, la-la, la, la, la
And I just can't get enough of your l-l-l-love
Yeah, that's all I'm thinking of, love, and I want you to know

You are my baby love, my baby love
You make the sun come up, oh boy, oh boy
You're my every, everything that I could ever dream of

You are my baby love, my baby love
You make the sun come up, oh boy, oh boy
You're my every, everything that I could ever dream of

You are my baby love, my baby love
You make the sun come up, oh boy, oh boy
You're my every, everything that I could ever dream of

You are my baby love, my baby love
You make the sun come up, oh boy, oh boy
You're my every, every, every, everything

Yeah, everything, everything, oh
Everything, everything, oh

You my always and forever
You my sunshine on my mind constant
Think about you all the time
You're my everything

Everything, everything, oh
Everything, everything, oh

You my new school love
You my old school love
And it's so true
You're the one I'm thinking of

You are my baby love, my baby love
You make the sun come up, oh boy, oh boy
You're my every, everything that I could ever dream of

You are my baby love, my baby love
You make the sun come up, oh boy, oh boy
You're my every, every, every, everything

You are my baby love, my baby love
You make the sun come up, oh boy, oh boy
You're my every, every, every, everything

You are my baby love, my baby love
You make the sun come up, oh boy
(You make the sun come up on a cloudy day)
You're my number one, you're my special thing

Everything, everything, oh
Everything, everything, oh
You are my baby, baby, baby, baby love

Everything, everything, oh
Everything, everything, oh
You're my everything
You are my baby, baby, baby, baby love

•edho chandra frederick nainggolan• :*

Kamis, 18 November 2010


Are you in a relationship? Yes!

Have you kissed anyone today? No. Doesn't meet him today -___-

Are you romantic? Maybe :p what do you think?

How would you describe the perfect boyfriend? Edho? :3

How would you describe yourself as a girlfriend? Haha don't know. But I'm a jealousy girl

What’s important in a relationship? TRUST each other, make each other happy more than you make each other sad, have fun together, have some kind of similar interests/opinions/taste in things.

Have you ever cried in front of someone you liked? yes

Have you ever played with anyones feelings? Perhaps?

How many relationships have you been in? Forget

How long was your longest relationship? 8 months

How long was your shortest? 3 hours :p

Do you want to be single or be in a relationship? In a relationship of course, since I’m in it haha

Are you a good girlfriend? I think so haha

Who (of the opposite sex) did you sleep next to latest? Edhooo :3

How old were your parents when they became a couple? Not sure. 19? 20? 21?

Would you tattoo the name of your love? Maybe, I would :)

Have you mostly been the one to dump or the one to get dumped? The one to get dumped. Because in my opinion, being dumped is better than dumping people. Although it's hurt, I just don't want to hurt other people

Do you hate your ex? Maybe

Have you ever wanted to get back together with your ex? Big NO NO

Do you still have anything from any old relationship? I don't know

When you want someone, what do you do? Errrrr it's hard for me to answer

What would the perfect date look like? As long as he with me, I always love every date we have

Who’s the most important person of the other sex in your life? Edho :')

If your boyfriend cheated on you, what would you do? I’d be completely heartbroken and devastated anyway. And I can't explain it

Do you want to get married? Why/why not? Yes. cause I will have a lifetime partner, someone to share my life with, in joy or sorrow. he never gonna leave me :')

Do you want to have children? Haha I don’t really feel like having children. I don’t want to go through pregnancy or have to give birth or replace my social life with changing diapers. But maybe my view of it will change someday.

Do you fall in love easily? No. I thought I’d never fall in love for real. But then I met Edho and fell hard :)

What do you fall for? Edho :') glad to have him

What’s the most non-sexy thing you know? My body (??)

How important is it that you have things in common? I think it’s really important.

How do you hit on guys? Don't know

Do you prefer a certain kind of appearance on guys? I prefer a taller guys, and older guys

Who was your first love? EDHO was (is) my first real love.

What do you think about having sex on the first date? can't answer it

What do you think about one night stands? What's that? :/

Is love everything in life ? Yes. The world is meaningless without love inside of it. Agree?

Rabu, 17 November 2010

TEN random facts


1. Are you single - nooooo

2. Are you happy - lil' bit

3. Are you bored - very

4. Are you naked - nope

5. Are you a blonde - nope

6. Are you moody - yesss

7. Are you a lover/hater? - both 

8. Are you hot/cold - warm

9. Are you Irish -  nope

10. Are you Asian - yes

1. Name - Jesica Wijaya

2. Nickname - Jewe / Jesie

3. Any birth marks - Yes

4. Hair color - Black, lil' bit dark brown

5. Natural hair color - Black, lil' bit dark brown

6. Eye color - Black

7. Height - I hate to answer this -___- 156cm

8. Mood - Bad

9. Favorite colours - black, red, green 

10. One Place You Want to Visit - Ireland


1. Do you believe in love at first sight - no

2. Do you believe in soul mates - yes

3. Are you straight - of course

4. Have you ever been hurt emotionally - yeahh!

5. Have you ever broke someone’s heart? - perhaps

6. Ever had your heart broken? - ever . mostly heartache

7. Have you ever liked someone but never told them? - yes

8. Are you afraid of commitment? - no

9. Who was the last person you hugged? - ecfn

10. Who was the last person you said I love you to? - my duck


1. Love or lust - Love

2. Lies or truth - Truth 

3. Cats or dogs - Dogs

4. A few best friends or many regular friends - A few best friends

5. Television or internet - Both

6. Chinese Or Indian - Chinese

7. Wild night out or romantic night in - Both

8. Money or Happiness - Happiness

9. Night or day - Night

10. Msn or phone - phone


1. Been caught sneaking out - No

2. Been skinny dipping - No

3. Bungee jumped - No

4. Finished an entire jaw breaker - No

5. Lied to someone you liked - ever

6. Wanted an ex bf/gf back - nooooo! 

7. Wanted something you couldn’t have - Yes

8. Cried yourself to sleep? - Yes

9. Cried because you lost a pet - Yes 

10. Wanted to disappear – often


1. Smile or eyes - Both

2. Light or dark hair - Dark hair

3. Hugs or kisses - Both

4. Shorter or taller - Taller

5. Intelligence or attraction - intelligence, then attraction

6. Romantic or spontaneous - Both

7. Funny or serious - Funny

8. Older or Younger - older

9. Outgoing or quiet - Outgoing

10. Sweet or Bad Ass - bad ass of course!


1. Ever performed in front of a large crowd - Yes

2. Ever done drugs - No

3. Ever smoked - yes

4. Ever been lost - I think everybody ever

5. Ever been on a cheerleading team - been in the audition -___-

6. Ever done something you shouldn’t - Yes

7. Ever been on a sports team - Yes 

8. Ever been in a drama play/production - yesss . and that's Bendhe!

9. Ever owned a BMW, Mercedes Benz, Escalade, Hummer or Bentley? - No

10. Ever been in a rap video? - No


1. Last phone call you made - my other number 

2. Last person you hung out with - brenna and kezia

3. Last person you hugged - yangdhooo

4. Last time you worked - today

5. Last person you tackled - nobody

6. Last person you IM’d - ecfn

8. Last person(s) you went to the movies with - sinta, gbnx, sherry, stellnath

9. Last thing you missed - sweetbeary froyo

10. Last thing you ate - stikko fingers


1. Sleep beside you? - my big-yellow bear, grovel

2. See you cry? - don't know

3. You went out to dinner with? - dad, mom, lil' sist

4. Shouted at you? - don’t remember

5. You talked on the phone to? - dad

6. Text you? - sherry

7. Made you laugh? - gabonk

8. Buy you something? - Mom

9. Make you sad? - anything and anybody

10. Make you happy? - can't answer it. I don't even feeling happy recently

(Copied from Tumblr)

Selasa, 09 November 2010


Time started:  5:12 pm
Name: Jesica Wijaya
Sex: Female
Birthday: eight march
Sign: pisces
Eye colour: black
What are you wearing : purple barong's shirt and yellow boxer
Where do you live: Indonesia
Righty or lefty: lefty


Where is your favourite place to shop: anywhereee
Colour:  red and black
Number: 8
Boys name: Kellan
Girls name: Rebecca
Animal: owl and bear
Month: december
Movie: P.S I Love You
Juice: guava + lemon :9
Breakfast: cereal
Favorite cartoon character: Snoopy


Given anyone a bath: I guess not :/
Smoked: yes
Bungee jumped: no
Gone skinny dipping: no
Eaten a dog: NEVER
Put your tongue on a frozen pole: of course not
Loved someone so much it made you cry: yes baby!
Broken a bone: nope
Played truth or dare: yes!
Been in a physical fight: yes with my lil' sister
Been in a police car: no
Been in a hot tub: yeaahh
Swam in the ocean: no. I can't swim :'(
Fallen asleep in school: ahaaa!
Ran away: no way
Broken someone’s heart: perhaps?
Cried when someone died: actually, never. really
Cried in school: yes. When I was in kindergarten school
Fell off your chair: yes! And it's soooo embarassing! I fell in computer lab!
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: nooo
Saved AIM/MSN conversation: nope


Your good luck charm: my 'the king' bracelet
Best song you ever heard: maaaaany
What’s your room like: messy and small
What kind of shampoo do you use: natur
Do you believe in karma: I really DO!


Chicken pox: no
Sore throat: yes
Stitches: no
Broken nose: no


Believe in love at first sight: big NO-NO
Like picnics: yessssssss
Like school: not really
Would you eat a live hamster for $1,000,000 dollars: absolutely no!
Who was the last person that called you: mom
What makes you laugh the most: jokes! And anything funny


You yelled at: mom
Who broke your heart: him, not her of course
Who is your loudest friend: maaaaaany!


Do you like filling these out: yupp
Do you wear contacts or glasses: no. but I want to wear contacts 
Do you like yourself: ABSOLUTELY!
Do you get along with your family: not really
Obsessive: a bit?
Compulsive: perhaps?
Anorexic: of course not!


What are you listening to right now: The Setting Sun - Switchfoot
What did you do yesterday: went to panti rapih
Hate someone in your family: no
What car do you wish to have: black audi TT roadster ;)
Where do you want to get married: beach!
If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be: moody
How many remote controls are in your house: 1,2,3,4,5
Are you double jointed: I wish. but no
Last time you took a bath: this morning 
The last movie you saw at the cinemas: step up 3D
Do you like scary or happy movies: happy movieee :3
Black or white: black!
Root beer or dr. pepper: root beer
Vanilla or chocolate: chocolate
Silver or gold: silver
Diamond or pearl: diamond
Sunset or sunrise: Sunset
Sprite or 7up: 7up
Cats or dogs: dogs 
Phone or in person: in person
Are you the oldest, middle, youngest or only child: oldest
Indoor or outdoor: outdoor!
end time: 5:48 pm

(Copied from Tumblr)

Kamis, 04 November 2010

copy paste

Oke. Setelah baca postingannya sinta sama acin, jd inget dulu aku juga pernah ngopy paste yg 100 things itu dan tak tulis di notes fb.
Dan aku juga mau ngopy paste postingannya sinta acin ;) semoga kalian tidak keberatan teman !

1. Last beverage: mineral water
2. Last phone call: dad
3. Last text message: devin
4. Last song u listened to: tadi di McD . Tapi gag tau deh judul lagunya apa
5. Last time u cried: yesterday :'(
6. Blood type: o
7. Fave. flower: rose
8. Fave. comic book: love sign

9. Dated sum1 twice: yup
10. Been cheated on: I guess yes
11. Kissed sum1 n regret it: never
12. Lost sum1 special: yes
13. Been depressed: yup
14. Been drunk n threw up: no

15. Black
16. Red
17. Green

18. Made a new friend: of course
19. Laughed until cried : never 'till cried
20. Met sum1 who changed u: yes
21. Found out who ur true friends were : always
22. Found out sum1 was talking bout u: no
23. Kissed any1 on ur friends list: friends list?

24. How many people on ur friends list do u know in real life: lot of them
25. How many kids do u want to have: 3 :p
26. Do u have any pets: yes
27. Do u want to change ur name: yes! become 'Jesica Maretta Wijaya' :p
28. What did u do on ur last birthday: have a great party with friends
29. What time did u wake up today: 5.45am
30. What were u doing at midnight last night: onlineee
31. Name something u can't wait for: CHRISTMAS and NEW YEAR!
32. Last time u saw ur mom: now . I'm with her now watching news
33. What is 1 thing u wish u could change about ur life: I want to have a brother!
34. What are u listening to right now: not listening to any song
35. Have u ever talked to a person named Tom: no
36. What's getting on ur nerves right now: if we should break up
37. Most visited webpage: twitter
38. What's ur real name: Jesica Wijaya
39. Nick names: Jewe
40. Relationship status: taken! :p
41. Zodiac sign: pisces baby
42. Male or female: female
43. Elementary: tarakanita
44. Mid school: stella duce 1
45. High school: stella duce 1
46. Hair color: black
47. Long or short: mid :'(
48. Height: 156
49. Do u have a crush on sum1 : no . I already have a boyfriend
50. What do u like about urself: cheerful
51. Piercing: not yet !
52. Tattoos: next year! Want it soooo bad!!!
53. Righty or lefty: lefty

54. Surgery: no
55. Piercing: on my ears
56. Bestfriend[s]: devin and CWW and NNC
57. Sport u've joined: basket and badminton
58. Vacation: europe (??)
59. First pair of trainers: ???????

60. Eating: no
61. Drinking: no
62. Doing: answering this note and watching tv
63. I'm about to: taking a bath
64. Listening to : not listening

66. Want kids: of course!
67. Get married with : jodoh dari Tuhan :)
68. Career: designer

69. Lips / eyes: eyes
70. Hugs or kisses: hugs
71. Shorter or taller: taller
72. Older or younger : older
73. Romantic or spontaneous: romantic
74. Nice stomach or nice arms: nice arms, to hug meee :p
75. Sensitive or loud: loud
76. Hook up or relationship: relationship
77. Troublemaker or hesistant: yes, troublemaker!

78. Kissed a stranger: absolutely never! And will not!
79. Drank hard liquor: emmmmm
80. Lost glasses/contacts: not using them
81. Sex on first date: hahahahahaha
82. Broken sum1's heart: maybe ever
83. Been arrested: -___- I'm not that bad
84. Turned sum1 down: guess yes
85. Cried when sum1 died: yes, once
86. Fallen for a friend: of course . Every relationship started from friends you know

87. Urself: ABSOLUTELY
88. Miracles: yes !
89. Love at 1st sight: big NO NO
90. Heaven: yes
91. Santa Claus : still :3
92. Kiss on the 1st date: not in first date actually
93. Angels: yes

94. Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time: NEVER! I'm not a bitch!
95. Did u sing today: everydaaaayyy
96. Ever cheated on sumbody: NO! And I WON'T !
97. If u could back in time, how far would u go : I hate my past! Don't remind me
98. If u could pick a day from last year and relive it, what would it be: my birthday
99. Are u afraid of falling in love: no !
100. Love urself: OF COURSE!

Rabu, 03 November 2010

Bad Day - Daniel Powter

Where is the moment we needed the most ?
You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost
You tell me your blue skies fade to grey
You tell me your passion's gone away and I don't need no carryin' on
You stand in the line just to hit a new low
You're faking a smile with the coffee to go
You tell me your life's been way off line
You're falling to pieces everytime and I don't need no carryin' on

Because you had a bad day, you're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don't know, you tell me don't lie
You work at a smile and you go for a ride
You had a bad day, the camera don't lie
You're coming back down and you really don't mind
You had a bad day, you had a bad day

Well, you need a blue sky holiday
The point is they laugh at what you say
And I don't need no carryin' on

You had a bad day, you're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don't know, you tell me don't lie
You work at a smile and you go for a ride
You had a bad day, the camera don't lie
You're coming back down and you really don't mind
You had a bad day, oh... Holiday...

Sometimes the system goes on the blink
And the whole thing turns out wrong
You might not make it back and you know
That you could be well oh that strong and I'm not wrong, ahhh...

So where is the passion when you need it the most ?
Oh, you and I, you kick up the leaves and the magic is lost

'Cause you had a bad day, you're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don't know, you tell me don't lie
You work at a smile and you go for a ride
You had a bad day, you've seen what you like
And how does it feel for one more time
You had a bad day, you had a bad day

Rabu, 29 September 2010

Patah hati itu
Aku yakin bakal sakit banget
Just be ready for the worst, jes
Perasaanku nggak enak akhir-akhir ini
Hati nggak pernah tenang

Selasa, 28 September 2010


Aaaaahhh, aku nggak peduli sama masa lalu orang lain
Karna aku yakin pengalaman mereka di masa lalu pasti menyenangkan, sampe nggak bisa dilupain
Dan kalo inget masa lalu kan ya pasti yg diinget senengnya, bukan sedihnya

Masa laluku?
Jangan tanya . Intinya 1, flat . Biasa aja . Standar . Nggak ada yg menarik
Makanya aku udah ngebuang jauh-jauh memori masa laluku . Nggak penting buat diinget . Kan kita harus move on

Kamis, 23 September 2010

Apa bikin orang iri, cemburu, sedih, kecewa, itu punya rasa kepuasan tersendiri?

Selasa, 21 September 2010

Kita kayak orang yg saling nggak 'mengenal'
Nggak pernah cerita satu sama lain
Berharap kamu mau membagi cerita masa lalu, keluarga, kegiatanmu dalam sehari, atau apapun
Dan kalau memang rasa sayang itu sudah tidak ada lagi untukku, katakanlah
Katakanlah apa saja yg ada di pikiran dan hatimu
Agar aku tau
Aku lebih suka menerima kejujuran yg menyakitkan daripada ditutupi

Senin, 20 September 2010

Promise is just a promise
In fact, they're broke all the time
Apakah cinta itu indahnya hanya di awal saja?
Kalau iya, ijinkan aku memutar kembali waktu
Untuk bisa kembali ke masa yg paling membuatku melambung
Ke masa yg sedang aku rindukan
Di mana hanya ada aku, kamu, kata-kata manis, perhatian yg intens, usaha, janji yg tertepati, waktu, dan semua yg membuatku bahagia yg kini hanya bisa dikenang baik dalam memoriku